Yuan Qigong is a method of Qigong developed by Qigong Master Yuan Tze, and is part of the Ren Xue school of Qigong. Yuan Qigong offers a system of Life Cultivation based on ancient Chinese philosophy. It provides a step by step pathway to better physical and emotional health through the application of gentle Moving Qigong and Internal Qigong (through working with sound and vibration on the organs). The practice of Yuan Qigong opens the Qi channels and enhances the flow and quality of Qi in the body, which promotes good health, balanced energy, and a sense of wellbeing.
For people who are interested in life cultivation as a spiritual path, Yuan Qigong offers a pathway to achieving higher levels of consciousness. It facilitates the opening of the Heart and promotes the development of the essential heart qualities of Trust, Openness, Love, Gratitude and Gongjing (true respect). Within this system, emphasis is also put on the clearance of unconscious conditioned patterns in our consciousness, which block us from being our True Self.
The system of Yuan Qigong is based on the knowledge that nothing exists in isolation. The universe is a totality and what makes it a totality is the connection between everything, including all objects, beings and all that happens in the universe. At a fundamental level, Qi plays a crucial role in the connection. Qi forms the web that weaves everything together. Qi is the most basic building block in the universe. It consists of information, energy and material. The human consciousness has power over Qi, and is constantly transmitting information in the shape of throughs and feelings. Our consciousness therefore plays a vital role in keeping our Qi in an uplifted and balanced state. The practice of Yuan Qigong offers a great opportunity to influence our Qi, both with our consciousness as well as through physical movement. In this way, it helps to create better health and wellbeing. Yuan Qigong practice also helps us to developing a greater understanding of- and connection with- our true essence
Addy is qualified to teach all four methods of moving Qigong of the Yuan Qigong system. The first two methods are usually taught together, as they blend very well together, and also because the second method does not take very long to teach. The third and fourth methods of moving Qigong are stand-alone methods with different purposes and different focusses altogether. It will take some time to learn each method, and they should not be learnt prior to having practiced the first two levels of the moving Qigong system for a while.
Raising our vibration and improving our health and wellbeing occurs automatically when we practice Yuan Qigong regularly.
Yuan Qigong is suitable for all ages, all level of fitness and all abilities. The practice can be adjusted to suit each individual's need and ability.